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Rug Cleaning

To prolong the beauty of your rug, Marcel de Claremont Rug provides expert cleaning in our Melrose facility for all types of handmade rugs, including: wools, silks, braided and needlepoint rugs. Pickup and delivery service is available. To preserve their beauty, Oriental rugs should be professionally cleaned, every two to four years.

Marcel de Claremont Rug uses a process that includes hand washing the fine rugs with soap that is created specifically for wool. Automatic machines are not used. Cleaning detail is given to the fringe as well. Depending on the size of a rug, it is then either rinsed in a large extraction machine or rinsed by hand. After rugs are cleaned they are hung in a climate controlled dry room where low heat and dehumidified air allows them to dry slowly – without harming the natural lanolin in the wool. Each rug is vacuumed and inspected to complete the process. All rugs are insured.

As a courtesy, each customer is called by a member of the Marcel Team to ensure that the rug was cleaned to their satisfaction.

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